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State & Federal Court Judicial Liaison Committee

Hon. Lisa Walsh

Hon. Lisa Walsh

Judicial Chair (Florida State Court)

Chris DeCort

No Photo Available

Hon. Wendy Berger

Judicial Chair (Federal)

Joseph Van de Bogart

Vice Chair

Who We Are

The Committee provides a forum for the exchange of information and ideas on business law issues between the members of the Section and members of the state and federal judiciary. The Committee provides the opportunity for an informal exchange of viewpoints and perspectives between the bench and the bar on a multitude of issues affecting practice in Florida courts, both state and federal. The Committee’s goal is to foster an improved relationship between the courts in Florida and the business community and to assist the state courts in establishing a business court or a complex litigation division. In 2005, the committee co-sponsored with the Justices of the Supreme Court of Florida the first judicial institute at the Supreme Court of Florida with business leaders and the Court. Our committee also hosts a roundtable event at the Labor Day Retreat with the state’s business court judges. Their insights at this event are invaluable and a highlight of the weekend.


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