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Electronic Discovery & Digital Evidence Committee

Who We Are

This committee’s mission is to address the rapidly advancing development of e-discovery and information governance law and practice by:

  • analyzing and reporting on major statutory and rulemaking initiatives and decisional authority in the field that impact Florida practitioners; and
  • raising awareness and providing resources to help lawyers and judges obtain up-to-date and comprehensive information about e-discovery and information governance.

News & Recent Events

  • Did you miss The Future of Digital Evidence at the Annual Convention? Get it today On Demand
  • The E-Discovery and Digital Evidence Committee has put together a “lunch and learn” Continuing Judicial Education program for county and circuit court judges on e-discovery and digital evidence issues in the courtroom. The presentation touches on issues such as the collection of data from cell phones and mobile devices, spoliation, database operations and reporting and social media. Members of our committee taught this course in Broward County, Palm Beach County and Hillsborough County. If anyone is interested in having the committee provide a similar CJE session to their local judiciary, please contact David Hazouri.

Ongoing Projects & Initiatives



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The EDDE Committee will meet on June 19, 2024 at 1:00 p.m. during The Florida Bar Annual Convention in Union.