The Communications Committee is tasked with facilitating communications amongst BLS members through the BLS website, social media, and other electronic communications. These duties include keeping the BLS website up to date, overseeing website content development projects, maintaining and editing the BLS Blog, and promoting BLS events through digital advertising.
The Section is always looking for more BLS Blog content to share with its members. Published Blog posts will be featured on the BLS website, advertised through BLS social media and digital outlets, and visible to the entire BLS membership, which is over 5,000 strong. Visit the Blog Submission page to submit a topic idea, and one of our members will be in touch to facilitate your Blog submission.
The Communications Committee can always use help, and joining the Communications Committee is a great way to get involved in the Section. If you have any questions or would like more information on how to join the Communications Committee, please contact the Communications Committee Chair.