Case Reynolds v. Servisfirst Bank (In re Stanford)
Need to get up to date on the changes to UCRERA? Catch an encore presentation of our CLE here:
The Uniform Commercial Real Estate Receivership Act (UCRERA) Task Force was formed by the Executive Council of the Business Law Section of the Florida Bar during the Florida Bar Annual Meeting in June of 2016. The Uniform Real Estate Receivership Act was drafted by the National Conference of Commissioners of Uniform State Laws (“ULC”) and was approved and recommended for enactment in all states at ULC’s Annual Conference Meeting in July of 2015.
The Task Force was charged with studying the UCRERA to determine whether it should enacted (or revised prior to determining whether it should be enacted) by the Florida Legislature, to make recommendations to the Section regarding such enactment, and, if the Section decides to support the UCRERA, to work with legislators to enact it into law.
Members of the Section who have questions about the Task Force or would like to become a member of the Task Force should contact the co-chairs at afernandez@dvllp.com and kmurena@dvllp.com.