In this second installment of Better Know a Judge, host Shirley Palumbo shares virtually with Bankruptcy Judge Mindy Mora. Since 2018, Judge Mora has served as a Bankruptcy Judge for the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of Florida in the West Palm Beach Division. Judge Mora received a bachelor’s degree from George Washington University, and a J.D. from New York University. Prior to becoming a judge, she served as the Chair of the Business Law Section of The Florida Bar. In 2014, Judge Mora was named a Fellow of the American College of Bankruptcy, and in 2016 she was named a Fellow of the American College of Commercial Finance Attorneys. She chaired the Florida Bar Task Force that sponsored the 2007 revisions of the Assignment for the Benefit of Creditors Statute (chapter 727, Florida Statutes); co-sponsored the 1997 revisions to Article 8, and the 1999 revisions to Article 9, of the Uniform Commercial Code (chapters 678 and 679, Florida Statutes); led a task force for the Business Law Section of The Florida Bar on revisions to Florida’s foreclosure laws; and served on a committee studying the Uniform Commissioner’s proposed Uniform Receivership Act. Judge Mora has frequently lectured and published articles about insolvency, restructuring, and commercial lending. She continues to be a vessel of strength and knowledge in our Section. Use the link to learn some of Judge Mora’s off bench life and interests. Enjoy!