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Fellowship to Leadership: Chris Broussard

Christopher Broussard, 2016-2018 Fellow
Shumaker, Loop & Kendrick, LLP, Tampa, FL

Your practice areas: Finance, Banking, Creditors’ Rights

Service in the Business Law Section:
2017-2018 Communications Committee Chair
2023-2024 Scholar & Fellows Retention Task Force, Vice Chair

What was your drive to apply for the BLS Fellowship?
Prior to my fellowship, I was actively involved with the BLS. Coming from an out-of-state law school, the BLS was my pathway to connect with business lawyers in Florida. While in law school and as a new lawyer, the expense of participation in the BLS was a genuine concern. The Fellowship program helped bridge the gap, making persistent involvement a more realistic possibility.

Have you assisted with BLS legislation or a task force? What was your experience?
I volunteered to assist with the Uniform Voidable Transactions Act Task Force. My collaboration with that Task Force was a great learning experience. I picked up on nuances of fraudulent transfer law that I otherwise might never have encountered. I collaborated with numerous professionals in the BLS and other sections of the Florida Bar. Lessons learned and connections made through that experience continue to benefit my practice, even today.

What is your advice for the current Fellows?
Show up at meetings, volunteer for projects, and get involved. You will learn things, obtain visibility, and make connections that will pay dividends for years to come.

Celebrating 10 years of BLS Fellows. Meet some of our Business Law Section leaders who are alumni of the Fellowship program.

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