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Marketing, Promotions & Sponsorships

Michele Moss

Michele Moss

First Vice Chair

Luis Rivera

Second Vice Chair

We evolved from a “task force” into a committee, and we are in the process of placing all sponsorship efforts for the Business Law Section within our committee.  That will include, but will not be limited to, sponsorship for the annual Labor Day Retreat.  We are hopeful that all members of the Executive Council will use their best efforts to help let the market know about all the benefits the Section has to offer.  We will work hard to make sure our current sponsors are well taken care of, and we will work equally hard to develop new sources of revenue for the Section.

Labor Day Retreat 2022 Partnership Opportunities

Sponsors have the ability now to register and pay online for their sponsorship.


To join this committee please sign into your profile and select this committee from the committee list.