The Civil Rules Task Force is reviewing the report of the Florida Supreme Court Working Group for the Improved Resolution of Civil Cases, which contains significant proposed changes to the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure. The Task Force is seeking comments from the section’s members and substantive committees concerning the proposed amendments. The Task Force...Read More
June 26, 2021 June 19, 2021 Chua v. Ekonomou, Case No. 20-12576 (11th Cir. 2021). The Barton Doctrine does not apply once a receivership ends, but judicial immunity still applies. Jain v. Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney PC, Case No. 3D20-886 (Fla. 3d DCA 2021). A party seeking to enforce an unconditional guaranty of a promissory...Read More
The Legislative Update CLE series is now available on demand 2020 Business Law Case & Legislative Update-Pt. 1– 2020 Business Law Case & Legislative Update-Pt. 2— 2020 Business Law Case & Legislative Update-Pt. 3– More
Exciting things happening at BLS! Labor Day Retreat While registration for Labor Day has officially closed, we still have a few rooms left in our room block. Don’t miss out—reach out to Carly immediately as these rooms are filling up fast! The Labor Day Retreat Committee has been hard at work, and they promise an...Read More
Who We Are The Business Litigation Committee consists of attorneys whose practices focus on the litigation of disputes arising from commercial and business relationships. The membership of the committee engages in diverse areas of practice within business litigation law and includes attorneys from large and small firms as well as solo practitioners. The committee has...Read More
CORPORATE TRANSPARENCY ACT REPORTING TO FINCEN SUSPENDED. By Avery Chapman On December 3, 2024, Federal District Court Judge Mazzant of the Eastern District of Texas granted a preliminary injunction, to be applied nation-wide, enjoining the United States from requiring any state’s domestic companies from having to report their beneficial owners to FINCEN under the Corporate...Read More
CLE Programs CLICK HERE for a list of CLEs available on CD & DVD. To download 24/7 on-demand programs, click any of the course titles below. Full library of on demand programs can be found here. Trade Secrets & The FTC Ban: What Every Business Lawyer and Litigator Needs to Know This CLE will dive...Read More
Dear Colleagues, We are saddened to learn of the passing of Bankruptcy Judge A. Jay Cristol, who recently turned 95 years old. Judge Cristol remains a giant in our legal community. He touched the hearts of so many people. He will be missed deeply. We do not have information regarding a memorial service but will be sure to...Read More
By: Deedee Bitran, Esq. Shutts and Bowen LLP Last month, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (“EEOC”) sued a Florida-based McDonald’s franchisee (Houcorp, Inc.) for allegedly failing to accommodate a deaf job applicant under the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”). The Complaint alleges that a job applicant who is hard of hearing requested and was denied...Read More