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A message from Judge Isicoff regarding Pro Bono

“I will never reject, from any consideration personal to myself, the cause of the defenseless or oppressed. . .”  When we took the Florida Bar Oath, we each pledged to do pro bono work. But that isn’t why I always did pro bono cases, and that isn’t why I encourage others to take pro bono cases.  It has always been my belief that it is part of our humanity that we try to help others less fortunate than ourselves, whether it is putting coins in a kettle outside a department store, bringing hot soup to an ill friend, or using the skills we learned in law school to assist those who need legal help but are unable to afford a lawyer.

For those of us who have taken pro bono cases, we all know what an incredible sense of satisfaction those cases bring. And with limited exceptions, you will never have a more grateful client.  Thus, taking a pro bono case does good and feels good.  Lawyers should not be afraid of pro bono cases.  Not every case requires much time at all.  Pro Bono even includes attending a pro bono clinic which requires only one session.  As Bob Josefsberg, a pro bono champion, always says (to paraphrase), – taking a pro bono case is like eating a cookie from a bag of cookies – once you have had one, you just can’t stop eating the cookies out of the bag.

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