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Fellowship to Leadership: Michelle Suarez

Michelle Suarez, 2016-2018 Fellow
Florida Entrepreneur Law, P.A., Fort Lauderdale, FL

Your practice areas: Business law catering exclusively to entrepreneurs,
throughout the State of Florida

Service in the Business Law Section:
2022-2023 Corporations, Securities and Financial Services Committee Chair
2021-2022 Inclusion, Mentoring, and Fellowship Committee Chair
2021-2022 Legislative Committee Member-at-Large
IMF Committee Co-Chair for Mentor/Mentor Program
CLE Committee Member at Large

What was your most memorable experience as a Fellow?
My most memorable experience as a Fellow was the day Jon Polenberg asked if I was interested in serving on the Business Court Task Force. I remember feeling surprised, humbled, and eager to participate.

Have you assisted with BLS legislation or a task force? What was your experience?

I have co-written a Florida Bar Journal article with the esteemed Professor Emeritus, Stu Cohn, and the esteemed Dan Aronson, and I have actively served and contributed to the Ch. 517 Task Force. My experience, in both instances, has been enlightening. To be surrounded by others with so many years of experience and to be able to learn from them has been both an honor and a privilege.

What is your advice for the current Fellows?

If you want to get the most out of your Fellowship, as intimidating as I know it can (and will) be at times, my advice is to: a.) Speak up, even if you’re scared, nervous, or feel unsure; b.) your opinion matters much more than you realize; c.) if you don’t speak up, get involved, or make an effort to learn how to get involved, you can’t complain about missed opportunities, not understanding how the section contributes, or lacking support from your BLS peers. You get out of it what you are willing to put into it.

Celebrating 10 years of BLS Fellows. Meet some of our Business Law Section leaders who are alumni of the Fellowship program.

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